Thursday, September 18, 2008

thank you for your patience!!!

update letters are being printed and preparedas I speak! this trip took a little more processing for me on a personal level. Don't think you are not important to me! On the contrary, you are so important I wanted to give you my heart!

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Janeen's site This is Janeen's site, my team leader and roommate for 2 months, in case you are interested!

Saturday, August 9, 2008 the future!

After a 9 hour bus ride, 12 hour flight, 3 hour layover and another 2 hour flight, I returned to Tempe 3 hours before I left New Zealand on Aug. 7th!

It is nice to be back again. Rushing around trying to get things set before Ariel's wedding in Philly next week and school starting after that. A lot has changed in Tempe that need some getting used to. God is still reminding me of dependancy here as even my car battery died as I was preparing to leave to meet some friends!

I'm not sure how to sum up all of what God did in New Zealand. I am working on figuring that out myself before I type my summation on here. (Expect it in maybe a week or so.)

I can tell you, it was such an amazing thin gto see God at work in the lives of so many brothers and sisters from all over the globe. I really miss them.

Until next time...


Friday, August 1, 2008

captain's log

i'm still alive! Just currently in teh South Island where internet is few and far between. We saw dolphins yesterday! I will update more when i get back in Palmy! Six days until I return to the US! love ya!

Friday, July 25, 2008

Last Night at Chinese Fellowship

Last night I taught over how to find God in Narnia. I took seen main principles from the new Prince Caspian movie, and tried to apply it to everyday life. It was so cool afterwards because X, a woman who has only been in Palmerston North 10 days, came up to me afterwards. She said she lived in Christchurch for over 5 years and had flatmates there reading 1 peter saying *though you have not seen or heard...* and she told me for the first time in her life, she got it!

She said she had an issue of actually believing God and now it all made sense! Praise God! Pray for X. That she will grow in her faith to God and be obediant to His will for her life! We only have one full day left in Palmy! It seems like such a short trip! Pray for great weather as we debrief together next week in the South Island!

Can't wait to see you all again in the states!

Monday, July 21, 2008

Nav Attack Goes to Middle Earth

Saturday night we ventured to the oval at Massey University and began a duel of Nav Attack!

Nav Attack is an altered game of capture the flag where the flags are glowsticks. You have two teams and instead of tagging the opposing team with your hand, you use a stocking filled with flour. So we drew up the teams and started playing. It was one of my most fun nights here in New Zealand. Koyo sifted a bunch of flour in Janeens's hair and Jess tried to take me down only to end up on the ground.

After all the 5 kilo bag of flour was dispersed on the grass, we headed over to a short night hike to see glowworms. It was probably the sweetest short hike I've been on since Colorado Summer 2002. We worn our gumboots and walked over little trees and through the river. It stopped raining just long enough for us to go. It was very enjoyable. Pray for our last week here in Palmy. That the non-Christians we met will make wholesome friends and our conversations will be glorifying. Pray for endurance for the team as we go about the many activities and divine appointments scheduled for the week.

God is at work in Tempe, AZ so I thank you for your prayers. I prefer not to give details, but situation became unglorifying to God and God wanted that rectified. That is all.

Thanks again for all the prayers and support...i hope i've given you a glimpse of how they have been answered!

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

A Week In Palmerston North

I love this photo. It is a grandfather chasing his grandson on a beach in Wellington. It was a beautiful day, and it just reminded me of God chasing us. You see, the boy would run about 15 feet or so and then face plant. Full out..plunk. And then his grandfather would wait a second, the child would pick himself up, and begin to run again.

It has been a week full of running. Every now and then we get to *plunk* and just rest, but it has been amazing here in Palmy.
For starters, the church welcomed us with a Chinese potluck dinner. We are helping lead their Chinese Fellowship group on fridays and wee able to teach them the bridge, as well as, put on a mini-leadership course.

Last Monday, I shared my testimony at a J2 (Jesus and Japan) worship night the students held. It was intimate and at the end I truly didn:t even realize we had been there two hours!

We went to an International Student Orientation expecting to run into Chinese and other Asian students. Instead, God put Europeans and Americans in our paths! From North Carolina is sheep farming Austin and girlfriend Emily. Also from there is Buddhist Bryce, Plain-ole Paul, and Frisbee pros Peggy and Liz. We met an interesting young man from New York named Russ and a German from Muenster named Dorty. ( I am naming them all so you can pray! Austin and Emily are Baptist..the rest are pre-Christians!) We held an All Blacks (the NZ rugby team) party (in image) where you can see people from all over the world joined as the Christian groups on campus joined us. This Monday, we prayed for all of them by name and ended up seeing all but Emily and Dorty the next day!!! How amazing is that!
I've also been able to meet with Michelle from the conference and at least see Jess to set up a time to meet. There were hearts shared in our tie that was a blessing to see.
I've also seen a lot of universals...bring a food or frisbee, and students come! We started playing ultimate frisbee at a place called "The Oval" on campus lunch time on Wed. and Fri. A lot of the Americans came and went and more are supposed to be coming this Friday. Russ, from NY, is seen wearing what he calls shackles in this photo. Pray he can find the truth that will remove his earthly shackles and for opportunity to hold conversation with him about Jesus. He was great at teaching new players the game of Ultimate! (in photo, Dorty, Russ, Meredith, and Masa)
We even set up a game of NavAttack for this Sat. It is a game like capture the flag, but instead of tagging people by hand, you hit them with a baking flour filled stocking. You would not believe how excited the Japanese and Americans were to hear about this game! We are afterwards going searching for glowworms so this is a future prayer request that it goes well!

There have been a few situations back at home in AZ, so pray they are resolved quickly as my friends and I are covering the situation in prayer. Pray I can stay focused as much more is happening this next week. And Happy Belated Birthday Grandma!

Sunday, July 6, 2008

the conference

I:m trying to think of where to begin attemping to explain what God showed me during the conference. We got in on Friday night and immediatey went to dinner. I sat by students from the Auckland Uni(university) and one from Palmy (palmerston orth where i curently am) Those students represented Malasyia, Singapore, New Zealand, Indonesia and America. The nations were together all at one table! That:s pretty much how I felt about the whole thing.

We all were welcomed by Val, a Maori believer where we traditionally were greeted and introduced to the TSCF (teritery student Christian fellowship) conference. Every morning we would have some time in the word, breakfast, and then a morning talk. The theme of the conference was :lives that count: it was all missions oriented! How cool was it for me to see these students on fire for God:s word to go global!

After one of the talks, I was able to share the bridge with two students after they asked for ways to apply being ale to reach out to your schools. I made some amazing friends from Palmy and most of us are getting together again on Wed. and Fri. to play ultimate on their campus and try to recruit people for their equivalent of NavNite.

We went to a Buddhist temple as a group and I witnessed God:s prescense inimidate a monk. I saw students hunger for the LORD in such a way. We got to laugh with these students and introduce Extreme Uno to them. We met and prayed through the psalms with them. We got to cry from laughing so hard. I:m sothankful for the hearts of all the students I met and can:t wait to see them again.

Pray for Jess, Michelle, and Nicole. They are three believers from round the world studying here in Palmy and I:m praying we can meet and encourage one another.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Middle Earth!

I don't have enough time to express what this past week has been like. Hopefully I'll have more money and internet time tomorrow to do so. We went to Hobbiton today to see where Lord of the Rings was filmed after a week of a very intense mission based conference. I had the ability to teach the bridge and encourage students in their walk while also making connections for our time in Palmy (Palmerston North) next week. I met some great new friends and I cannot post photos now, but will try to very soon. I am so excited for these upcoming weeks!

PRAYER REQUEST!!! I am not used to the cold! As a result, I am a little under the weather now. Pray i'll feel better quickly!

Thank you so much for commenting too! I love getting contact from the outside world!

Thursday, June 26, 2008

picture update! and we saw a sign for "Titanic: the Musical" any takers?

local ads

The view at the supermarket!

this is the rain from a rain, sun, rain, sun, rain day


Teammate Alycia had some issues

Leaving our mark

The coast by where the previous post was written about

This is our team and our "Rockstar" picture at the Maori "Bay of Whales" where our cottage was

Wednesday, June 25, 2008


So I am in the land that invented bungee jumping. A place where the Rugby Team of the All Blacks rules all. A place where hobbits have once roamed.

I got into New Zealand Tuesday morning. I am 19 hours ahead of you all, so my Monday was very short and spent entirely on an airplane. We took a ferry to inner Auckland and explored for a bit. The time was "sweet as" (NZ for cool) to get to know my amazing team leader Janeen, and mates Alycia and Sarah. We are still missing one from Arkansas, but she gets in tomorrow morning. We bought "gummies" (rain boots) and headed to our rented cottage.

Janeen said something that really struck me. She said that when God created man, man got the seventh day off. He rested before all of the work begun and as Americans sometimes we have to change our mindset to rest first and then work hard. So we are taking three days to relax, chat, and prepare our hearts and minds for God's work.

One of the best things, is our cottage is just a short walk down to the Maori "Bay of Whales." We have yet to spot an Orca, but we did apparently have a penguin at our house a few nights ago! No one saw it sadly as they aren't fond of daytime or people.

For those of you asking, YES! It is cold! I am totally wearing four layers now and sometimes wear five! Sleep is going well as though indoor heating is foreign here, we build a fire each day and have hot water bottles (hotties) to put under our sheets. So i sleep with a hottie every night! :)

Friday, we begin the hard work and split up to team with other international leaders to work with other internationals to teach them about Christ. We'll be doing that for just under a week and then we begin the trek down south.

I feel confident this is where I am supposed to be, and am so thankful of all of you for your involvement in me and this trip. Yes, I miss you guys, but what an amazing opportunity I have here to delight in the Lord's creation and put myself faith first into his arms.

I pray for all of you as well, that these next six plus weeks, God will push you to grow closer to him. That He will embrace you so strong and give you confidence you are placed wherever you are at for a reason. I love you all!

For the joy of New Zealand and the nations!
-Alicia D.

Monday, June 23, 2008


I've landed! I am now in the land of te Kiwi. It is 17 hours ahead of Texas and 19 hous ahead of AZ. I'llupdate more when i get a chance. Love you all and thank you so much for all your encouragement and prayers.

"Don't worry about today, it's already tomorrow in Australia." -Charles Schultz

Well, I'm in the future now! Relax! Spread the news!

Friday, June 20, 2008

And so I bid adeu to my flip flop, shorts, and shades...

In just over six hours I begin my journey abroad. I leave Tempe, AZ for San Fransisco. I am blessed to be able to have a "long" layover and visit my good friend Katy in NorCal for two days before my long flight to Auckland. I'm up late packing, praying, and finishing preperations for my trip! I'm to the point where beyond preperations, I am so excited to be going to NZ.

Look at the Nations and watch-
And be utterly amazed.
FOR I AM GOING to do something
in these days that you would not believe
even if you were told.
Hab. 1:5
Thank you again so much for your support and prayer. I'll be keeping you updated on here.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

I have amazing news!!! God answers prayer!

Psalm 133
A song of ascents. Of David.
1 How good and pleasant it is
when brothers live together in unity!
2 It is like precious oil poured on the head,
running down on the beard,
running down on Aaron's beard,
down upon the collar of his robes.
3 It is as if the dew of Hermon
were falling on Mount Zion.
For there the LORD bestows his blessing,
even life forevermore.

I have news! I now have teammates in New Zealand! It seems the three girls originally staying in Wellington the whole time will now be with me in Palmerston North! I am so glad to have a unity that we may present to both the New Zealanders and foreign students we will be working with. I had made peace with the fact I would be the only American going and and as nervous as it made my heart I accepted it. But now, God answered requests in prayers and there willbe a team of four! Please pray for us to bond well and strong. The other three are all previous friends and two have been to NZ before providing some awesome experience and insight to the trip. Pray I won't be inimidated by their friendship and will open my eyes to opportunities God puts in front of me!

I leave in less than one month!

May the God who gives endurance and encouragement give you a spirit of unity among yourselves as you follow Christ Jesus, so that with one heart and mouth you may glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. Romans 15: 5-6

Monday, May 5, 2008

aaaaaand i'm on my way!

My plane ticke has officially been purchased! I depart for NZ on the 22nd of June and arrive there on the 24th! I'm terrified to see what God is going to do in my life during my time away and yet so excited at the same time. I am now 1/3 funded. It is so amazing for me to see how God works through people. If you still want to be involved in God's work overseas, there is a link on my blog as well leading you to where you may give.
I am two finals and one paper away from finishing out my Junior year. That also excites me and makes me wanto to dance around the house to Alice Cooper's "School's Out" Cooper is a phoenix native by the way! Well, i am off to my final across town! May He continue to bless you to be a blessing!

Saturday, March 15, 2008

why I am excited about this trip...

Coming into college I had the idea in my mind that after graduation I would do with my life whatever God wanted. If it were foreign missions, I'd be there. If it were photography at a paper, I'd be there. If it were seminary, I'm there. Get the drift?

This past winter break I came to a realization. In my life I sometimes get into the mindset of doing things for God instead of with Him. So it was easy for me to think after getting my degree I would do whatever He wanted me to for Him. But, God told me he wanted me to do what I wanted out of the options and as long as it was for His glory he would be happy and smile and come alongside me. I think that is what I love most about the story of Job that I have been reading though lately. The character of God that doesn't rescue us when we think the time is right, but comes alongside us through it all and just sits with us. Have you ever experienced that? Someone just sitting with you in a time of distress. My best friend came alongside me last December when my grandfather died and as I sat and wept on my dorm room bed, she just sat there with me and I experienced a piece of community and felt her support. God does that with us. He sits.

As I think about life in the 'real world,' I want to please God and serve my parents by respecting their opinions while making my own. (actually, I feel so blessed to have parents with the same heart for serving God that He instilled in me so we agree on a lot.) But I still have options for next year. Granted, I still have a year, but one of the things I am considering is going on staff with the Navigators for a two-year commitment called EDGE Core. With this, I would be placed on a college campus somewhere in the U.S. working with college students to grow them in their walks with Christ and be obedient to what God puts in my path.

This trip is a preview of some of that. My ministry is different now as I am in college ministering as I can. This would be full-time. This trip I will be doing some disciplining of international believers and sharing of the gospel. I also get the experience of what it is like to fundraise with the Navigators as humbling and scary as fundraising can be.

I'm stoked to see what God has in store and I can't wait! I just have to get past finals first!

Thursday, March 13, 2008

I'm going to New Zealand!

I'm in the process of trying to figure out what exactly my trip to New Zealand will look like! Here is a link to the ministy I will be a part of for the two months I am there!
